The beginning of the editing process.
Article Entry Date: October 7,2019
Seven months since I have written anything for the BLOG, and since I am working on the editing of the new novel, I thought this would be the best time to bring everyone up to speed on what has been going on since March.
The job I have outside of the house, and having my granddaughter with me every other week, has taken away time that I would have been using to work on my book. I would not take a single moment away from the time I spend with my angel - however, I could do without the job.
The job I have is as a magazine vendor. It is not worth the money to do what I do for this company, and they will not give out raises. The only good thing about it is the hours are great.
I am taking the week off from work to concentrate on my book. I want to get as much done as possible this week to get myself at a good place with the editing. But, if you are a writer, you know you also add and remove from the story when you edit.
Today is Monday, and I have just finished the first edit using Grammarly in the first chapter. Now, I will use the program ProWritingAid. Once I run the chapter through it, I can start Chapter two.
I honestly do not see how the harlequin authors can publish several books a year. I have my thoughts on it but will keep them to myself.
Have a good one, and now, back to editing Chapter 1.
Wayne Barron