What he thinks What she thinks A novel by Wayne Barron
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The beginning of the editing process.
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Finally able to sleep and getting a lot of work done on the book and other projects.
The beginning of the editing process.
Article Entry Date: October 7,2019
Seven months since I have written anything for the BLOG, and since I am working on the editing of the new novel, I thought this would be the best time to bring everyone up to speed on what has been going on since March.

The job I have outside of the house, and having my granddaughter with me every other week, has taken away time that I would have been using to work on my book. I would not take a single moment away from the time I spend with my angel - however, I could do without the job.
The job I have is as a magazine vendor. It is not worth the money to do what I do for this company, and they will not give out raises. The only good thing about it is the hours are great.

I am taking the week off from work to concentrate on my book. I want to get as much done as possible this week to get myself at a good place with the editing. But, if you are a writer, you know you also add and remove from the story when you edit.
Today is Monday, and I have just finished the first edit using Grammarly in the first chapter. Now, I will use the program ProWritingAid. Once I run the chapter through it, I can start Chapter two.

I honestly do not see how the harlequin authors can publish several books a year. I have my thoughts on it but will keep them to myself.

Have a good one, and now, back to editing Chapter 1.
Wayne Barron

Previous Entries

Still proofreading and editing.

Second Novel

I am working on the new book, and I still have not come up with a title for it yet.
So far.

Completed Chapter 25 out of 32.
words = 62,395
Pages = 273

I was hoping for 100,000 words, but not sure if I will make that goal or not. Then again, I still have 7+ chapters to go. Then I will start the actual editing, which will be very time-consumin...Continue reading...

Blog Navigation on site done.

Web Design

I have been meaning to do this for a while and finally got it done.
Now, visitors to the Blog will navigate from one Blog entry to the next. Hopefully, this should make it easier and friendlier for people visiting the site.

A few years ago, I designed the script for my Video Lesson site, https://www.darkeffects.com. It is a simple yet powerful script.

Enough of the technical stuff.
(yes, I love designing and de...Continue reading...

Gwother's farm yard friends - Poor little chicken (Story #1)

Short Funny Stories

Back many years ago, before I was even thought of, there was a young girl who loved going out playing with her pigs, chickens, and cows, and one day, while out playing, one of the cows came up to her about a chicken who had broken its foot. She rushed over to the chicken and noticed the poor little creature was surrounded by all the pigs, cows, and, of course, its chicken family.
Continue reading...


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