Finally able to sleep and getting a lot of work done on the book and other projects.
Article Entry Date: January 30,2021
Over the last few months, I have been having a lot of sleepiness nights. But last week, I got up around 4 am and stayed up all day, went to bed about 7 pm, and back up between 3 and 5, and have been doing that ever since.
It feels good to have an entire day to work on projects and my book.
Book update.
Thursday, I did Chapters 16 and 17.
This morning around 8, I started on Chapter 18, did some more editing, stepped away for about an hour, and then came back and decided I would read back over 18 again, as there was something I was not happy with. So I went from 10 pages to a paragraph away from 13 pages on this last edit.
On Thursday, I had to take my mother to her dentist appointment, and while in the waiting room, I worked on Chapters 16 and 17.
Chapter 16, when I started, had 14 pages. When I finished up, it was 19 pages. If it grows any more, I might split it into two chapters. I will have to wait and see.