What he thinks What she thinks A novel by Wayne Barron
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A story about the love I have for my sister.
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Advice to young parents (She called for me to save her.)
A story about the love I have for my sister.
Article Entry Date: July 16,2022
I recently watched a video about the death of a young girl while she walked to school. She was only ten years old and should not have been walking alone to school, but regardless, her life was cut short because of some deranged 17-year-old twisted-minded kid.
After watching this video, it reminded me of something which happened to a girl who went to high school with my sister and what I did to ensure it did not happen to my sister.

When I was 13, I got in a lot of trouble in school and was placed on probation for the last five months of the school year.
A girl who went to high school with my sister was dragged behind our hometown's local Sky City store and was raped and beaten.
A few weeks later, Sky City was having a sale that would go on from 11 am to 1 pm, and my sister wanted to go when she got out of school.
She told me about the sale, and I told her I would stay home the next day and go with her.
While on our way back, across the street from the side parking lot from Sky City, pulled over was my probation officer.

My sister and I walked to the sidewalk, and she waited as I walked across the street.
When I walked around to the driver's side of his car, he asked why I was not in school.
I was honest and forthcoming with him, telling him about what had happened to the girl and pointing out where it had occurred.
I told him my sister was scared to walk alone, as the man was not captured yet, and I told him that I told my sister I would stay out of school and walk her to the store.
And this is what he told me.

I do not care about what happens to your sister; she is not my concern; what is my concern is you and whether you are in school or not.
(While pointing his finger at me while saying these words)
I did not say anything, I just looked down at this sorry POS sitting in this ugly ass car, and I brought my fist back and hit his back side window, cracking it but not going through.
He looked back at what I did and did not say a word; he just put his car in drive and left.

We told our mom what he had said, as my sister could hear him, as his passenger side window was down.
We were expecting him or the cops to show up, but nothing.
I would see him again at my school a few weeks later as I walked to the front with my favorite teacher to help her get the TV and VCR Cart.
He looked over at me, and I looked at him.
He nodded her head, and I just stared him down and continued walking with my teacher; as she grabbed my arm, as she knew what had happened, as it had gone all over the school.

At the end of school, he would sign off on being my PO and write down on the papers given to my mother by the courts that I was a good young man who loved his family and wished me the best in my future.

I did not care whether I would get in trouble or not; I just cared about my sister, as I did not want anything to happen to her.
I do not think the guy who raped the high school girl was ever found.

Make sure you watch out for your kids and family, especially the girls in your life. Though boys are abducted as well, girls are taken more often and, in most cases, are never seen again.
Kids should never walk to school alone. An adult should always accompany them to their destination. Cellphones do not stop someone from being taken or hurt and can be a distraction and sometimes get a person hurt faster.
Take care of those you love and see during the day, as you never know when you might be needed to help someone.

Previous Entries

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Second Novel

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So far.

Completed Chapter 25 out of 32.
words = 62,395
Pages = 273

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