Advice to young parents (She called for me to save her.)Article Entry Date: January 5,2023
I am going to give all young parents a piece of advice which I hope you will take as it happened to me, and it destroyed the life of someone I loved with every fiber of my heart. However, today it is much easier than it was when I was a teenager; we did not have cell phones and social media. Had we had that, the outcome of what I am about to share might have been different.
When I was 14, I met a girl named Ronda, 13. She lived in the next town over from me, and it was a long-distance call, and back in the 80s, it cost about 15 cents per minute to make that call to the next town over. So in the two months, we were together, it cost my mother well over $100.00 in long-distance charges. (In 85, $100.00 is like $500.00 today) Later in life, I would find out that my father told my mother he would cover the charges, but mom did not budge on what she did. My mother called Ronda's mother and told her they needed to break us up, as the long-distance charges were too high for two kids who did not have jobs to pay for it. (Keeping in mind that my father offered to pay the bills with stipulations)
On Sunday evening, around 8 pm, I called Ronda, and her mother answered the phone. She told me that Ronda no longer wanted to talk to me, and she wanted to break up.
In the background, Ronda yelled, " I love you, Wayne, momma, please don't, please." And the phone goes dead.
I put my fist through the wall, knocked the phone base off the other side, grabbed my jacket and cigarettes, and ran out the door. My best friend, who was staying with me at the time, Joey (He is also Joey, from my book), ran out the door after me. We stayed gone until around midnight before coming back home. By then, my mother was there, as my sister called her and asked what she had done, that I had run out the door and was gone. Mom told my sister what she did, and my sister fussed at her and told her she should not have done it that way. When I walked in, mom looked at me, and I told her, "I know what you did." And then I walked by her and to my room. We did not speak or see each other for days.
See, when I first started dating Ronda, she had me make her a promise that I would do good in school. And during the two months we were together, my grades went up, and my attendance record was near perfect. While keeping my promise to Ronda, this kid told everyone he would fight and beat me up. I had ignored him all this time. I was good and was doing what this beautiful girl asked me to do for her, and I kept that promise, even though this kid pushed my buttons harder and harder daily. When I went to school the next day after the breakup, I told my favorite teacher what had happened, and she talked to me for several minutes before we had to go to class. One of the kids walked by and overheard me telling Mrs. Cox, and he told someone who told someone, and before lunch, it was all over school. Mrs. Cox is the teacher in my book.
The boy who had been trying to fight me all this time came up and told me he "would get her now." And I exploded on him. I will not say what I did to this kid, but I hurt him really bad, and I was suspended from school for three weeks.
Ronda ran away from home and lived with her sister for about two months. After that, every time she would go out on the weekends, for years, she would always ask people she had heard who either worked in my town or lived in my town if they knew "Wayne Barron." And one weekend, she overheard this guy talking about working in my town and asked if he knew me. He said no, and introduced himself to her.
She was 17, and this guy was 23 and was a low-life drug dealer. A month later, she got pregnant and would eventually have two children with him, and she also married him. Years later, he would get her to start writing fake prescriptions, and she would take the fall for everything this SOB was doing. She would go to prison three times. This last time she would spend "8 years and 4 months" in prison. She just got out this past summer, 2022.
The last time I spoke with her, she called, begging me to come and get her. But I could not. I had no place for her to stay as I lived with my mother and son in a two-bedroom home around 2013-2014.
I would find out years later that she called for me to save her from what her husband was getting ready to have her do, and that was to write some more fake prescriptions. She wanted me to come and take her away, as she knew if she did this, she would get caught and spend a very long time in prison, which she did.
After finding this information out for the longest time, it broke me. I would lay in bed and think of a lot of "What If's," which is one of the reasons I started writing my book; it was so I could be with the girls I could not save. It was so they could be together. (Ronda and me, and Tanya and me) and their lives would be better. It still brings tears to my eyes, as I hate seeing the girls I've loved, or any girl, hurt.
Because we met, she met the future husband and father of her kids. And because my mother did not think that young love meant anything, caused this young girl's life to turn upside down.
Some may say, "You cannot blame your mother for what she did." No, I am not blaming her and never have blamed her, but she should have done it differently than she did. According to my father, she had the option to allow us to stay together with limited phone time, and he would take care of the bill. But mom stuck to her guns, and because of her stubbornness, this had a terrible outcome for Ronda. My life is fine, and I am making it better every day. Ronda, on the other hand, is not. (Tanya, on the other hand, is another story being written now.)
So, to all young parents. Please make sure you talk to your kids and DO NOT destroy someone else's life because you forgot what it was like to have young love.
P.S. Ronda and Tanya are both in my book. They are two girls who helped to inspire me to be the best man I can be in how I see and treat women.
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